May 2019 Updates

Some Updates…
–New Heights: They are in the middle of an extended full unit, led by Doc Sim, with assistance of Chaplain Larry.
–Bukal Life Care. They will start intensive unit June 10, led by Chaplains Celia and Lyn They will also have a half unit beginning in August, led by Chaplain Vo. Bukal Life Care plans to take a break from CPE from October to March 2019 (not including CPO)
–Glocal Community. Doc Paul plans to start a CPE this October.
–St. Andrews. They have 11 trainees starting this mid-May into July.
–CPSCTC. Doc Cal will start an intensive unit at CPU this mid-May for 5 weeks.
–Hesed. Chaplain Renato will supervise the first unit of CPE at Hesed . Orientation is on June 13.

2 thoughts on “May 2019 Updates

    • Benjamin… For most, the path to being a Chaplain include… (1) be active in one’s church and ministry, (2) go to Bible School or seminary, (3) take Clinical Pastoral Education… at least one unit, (4) join a chaplaincy organization… like CPSP-PH or another, and (5) be ordained in your denomination. Things vary for some, but regardless, I wish you well on your journey.


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