CPSP-certified Clinical Pastoral Education in Baguio City… upcoming

Mid-June. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) batch led by Joyce Gray. This will probably be a mixed group… some doing Intensive and some Extended (this depends somewhat on the negotiation between the trainees and training supervisor).

Mid-July. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) batch led by Celia Munson. This will be an Extended, 18-week class. This will be a bit of an experiment for us, with all group work done on Saturdays. This is especially for those who work 5-days a week.CPE Baguio Batch Sept 2012

In all cases, full units are still 400 hours (300 hours ministry, 100 hours of group work and formal training). Training and ministry is done in Baguio City (Philippines) with various local hospitals and jails.

Contact us at info@bukallife.org if you are interested and wish to be given an application. You can also download an application at http://www.bukallife.org (under Forms).

Training is done certified by the College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy.

It is advisable to apply early. Each batch is limited in size.